Other equipment

Conveyor belt V-guide strip notch cutting machine.
This machine is invented to reduce workload and increase precision during making notched traching guides. All parameters are adjustable for your own customized PVC/PU tracking guide strips.
Pneumatic conveyor belt cleats cutting machine.
Conveyor belt cleats pneumatic cutting machine is designed and manufactured by Shanghai YOUBE automation technology Co., Ltd, aim to help light duty conveyor belt factories to increase production quality and efficiency.
This conveyor belt cleats cutter is a portable device which is easy to carry and plug & play; there are scales in both length and angle(in both mm and inch), so the cleats can be cut into any length requested without measure in advance, and it is particularly capable for cutting arch shape cleats, big cleats and beefy cleats.
This is a pneumatic cutter, the cutting surface is even and smooth, especially good for big size cleats, many drawbacks of hand cutting are effectually avoided. So the quality of cleated conveyor belts is increased in detail.
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